
Believe it or not, clean isn’t synonymous with chemicals. That’s why we’ve ditched all those harsh, unfriendly substances and replaced them with nature’s best. The result? A deeper, more powerful clean, naturally.

Germs, residue and odours. They aren’t just sneaky, they’re stubborn. And often despite your best efforts, they’re set on sticking around. That’s where the bubbles come in. We’re talking effervescent bubbles that fizz and foam their way right into those hardest-to-reach places, effectively attacking tough stains and odours before being rinsed away. And here’s the best part: Thanks to the power of Bottle Bright’s patented ecolift technology that pulls dirt and grime away from the material it’s intended to clean, the bubbles take the place of scrubbing altogether.

Behold an after like never before! Bottle Bright tablets leave no nasty smells, odours, germs or residue – just a fresh, clean bottle for the freshest tasting water (or liquid!), minus all the effort.

Contains: 12 tablets